Everyday Survival Kit

Everyday Survival Kit
The Everyday Survival Pocket Kit curated and designed by Ren, contains everything you need to get through those “everyday emergencies”. Whether you’ve got garlic breath, a tear in your jacket, or spilled food on your favorite shirt, this kit is here to help! Small and portable so you can keep this in your car, purse or backpack on the go! Makes a great gift and stocking stuffer!
Waterproof sealed tin includes: 3 ply disposable mask / Hand sanitizer / Shout stain remover wipe / TicTacs / Neutrogena face cleansing wipe / Gerber shard 7-use multitool / Cured antibacterial bandage / Floss pick / Tampon / Lip Balm / Safety Pin / Nylon Gear Patch / Lens Cleansing wipe / Salt and pepper / Sew kit
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